Point Lonsdale, Victoria Home


Point Lonsdale, Victoria Home

Durra Panel is fast becoming a sustainable alternative to traditional building practices within the residential industry. Given properties such as ease of installation, thermal capabilities and impact and fire resistance, Durra Wall and Ceiling Systems are a sustainable and practical solution.
Compressed straw Thermal Ceiling Panels used in a residential home
Durra Ceiling Panels used in a residential home demonstrating biophilic design
A step forward towards more eco-friendly materials in residential construction.⁠

Durra Panel is fast becoming a sustainable alternative to traditional building practices within the residential industry. Given properties such as ease of installation, thermal capabilities and impact and fire resistance, our Durra ceiling and wall systems are a practical solution and a step forward towards more eco-friendly materials in residential construction.⁠

Durra Panel was used in this home located in Point Lonsdale in the ceiling system with exposed timber framing. By minimising heat transfer, our panels contribute to reduced energy consumption and lower utility bills, all while fostering an atmosphere of cosiness and well-being within residential spaces.

Durra Panel Finish: Natural