Australian Synchrotron


Australian Synchrotron

A state of the art Victorian Government sponsored scientific facility for the study of physical elements at the sub atomic level.
Compressed straw ceiling panel module being installed in an industrial facility
Compressed straw ceiling panel module being installed in an industrial facility
To meet the tight deadlines and safety requirements, the project utilised ground-based assembly of pre-finished Durra Panels and Durra Steel Sections.

This state-of-the-art scientific facility, sponsored by the Victorian Government, is dedicated to the study of physical elements at the subatomic level. With a construction budget of $206 million, the project features an impressive 11,000m² circular roof area. The construction timeline was critical, with a significant focus on the rapid and safe installation of the roof to ensure timely weather protection.

Construction Methodology

To meet the tight deadlines and safety requirements, the project utilised ground-based assembly of pre-finished Durra Panels and Durra Steel Sections. These were then assembled into large panelized modules and lifted into place using the innovative Durra Lifting Frame.

Key Project Participants

Architect: Architectus

Builder: Thiess

Installer: Aldeck

Acoustic Consultant: Bassett

Durra System Specifications

Durra System: Durra Ceiling System

Durra Panel Finish: Acoustic Pattern

This collaborative approach and the use of advanced construction techniques ensured the successful completion of this challenging project, setting a benchmark for future scientific facility constructions.