Create a sophisticated atmosphere with the combination of Durra Panel and exquisite laminated natural timber veneers.
Discover the possibilities as veneers open doors to a diverse selection of timber species, making their timeless beauty and elegance more accessible than ever. With various cuts available, you have the creative freedom to curate a truly bespoke aesthetic that resonates with your unique vision.
Whether applied to our Durra Wall or Ceiling Systems, the Timber Veneer Finish stands as a testament to durability and resilience. Engineered to resist warping and splitting, it ensures a long-lasting, impeccable finish that withstands the test of time.
Available in a range of timbers and cuts.
Standard Panel Width: 1187mm
Available Panel Lengths: 2700mm
Nominal Thickness: 53.2mm
Nominal Weight: 23.3 kg per square meter
K-Value – Thermal Conductivity – 0.081
R-Value – Thermal Resistance – 0.62
All materials can be supplied cut to specific sizes.
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