
Durra Panel – Environmental Product Declaration

June 24th, 2024

At Durra Panel, we’re committed to building a better future. That’s why we’re pleased to share that our Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) has been completed! Today, the construction industry is the world’s single largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions and is responsible for generating 40% of landfill waste. It’s now more important than ever to consider the impact our building material choices will have on our planet. The EPD findings have been developed in accordance with international standards, ensuring transparency and credibility in our environmental claims.


In this article
What is an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD)?
Durra Panel’s Sustainability Journey
Highlights of Durra Panel's EPD
Environmental Impact Indicators

What is an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD)?

An EPD is a standardised document that provides comprehensive information about the environmental impact of a product throughout its life cycle. This declaration follows ISO 14025 and EN 15804+A2 standards, providing detailed insights into the product’s impact, using a Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) to evaluate raw material extraction, manufacturing and end-of-life disposal of Durra Panel.

Durra Panel’s Sustainability Journey

Durra Panel, produced by Ortech Industries Pty Ltd, has been at the forefront of sustainable building materials since its inception. Durra Panel is manufactured using an innovative process that converts agricultural by-products into durable construction materials. This method not only reduces waste but also maintains the natural quality of the raw materials within the finished product.

Highlights of Durra Panel's EPD

Carbon Negative – By utilising straw, a by-product of wheat and rice harvesting, Durra Panel effectively captures and stores carbon within buildings. This captured carbon outweighs the manufacturing emissions, making Durra Panel a carbon negative product. The GWPT of manufacturing stages A1-A3 is -1.93E+01kg CO₂ per square metre of Durra Panel.

Biodegradability – At the end of its useful life, Durra Panel is 100% biodegradable and can be composted, returning valuable nutrients to the soil. This aligns with our commitment to promoting a circular economy.

Certified and Verified – The EPD has been independently verified by a third party, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the data provided. This certification demonstrates our dedication to maintaining high standards of transparency.

Environmental Impact Indicators

The EPD provides detailed results for several environmental impact indicators. Here are some key findings:

  • Global Warming Potential (GWP): The GWP of Durra Panel is significantly lower compared to conventional construction materials.
  • Embodied Energy: The embodied energy of Durra Panel is 12.6 MJ/m², highlighting its low energy footprint.
  • VOC Emissions: Durra Panel emits less than 0.05 mg/m²/hr of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), ensuring healthy indoor air quality.


The increasing use of EPDs within the construction industry demonstrates a movement towards more transparent reporting of how our building materials are made. We invite you to explore the detailed EPD and learn more about how to assess the whole life cycle impact of building materials and make healthier choices for ourselves and the environment.

Download our EPD

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