

Showing 6 projects
Durra Ceiling Panels used in a residential home demonstrating biophilic design
Durra Panel’s history in residential projects date back to the 1960’s when Melbourne based architect Peter Mcintyre designed and constructed the now heritage listed Butterfly House.
Compressed straw panel wall and ceiling system used in a home office space
Creating a workable and livable space using Durra Panel.
Compressed straw panel ceiling and wall system used in a residential home
This exquisite Scarborough residence draws inspiration from Joost Baker's iconic 'Green House' design.
Durra Ceiling Panels used in a residential home demonstrating biophilic design
Durra Panel is fast becoming a sustainable alternative to traditional building practices within the residential industry. Given properties such as ease of installation & thermal capabilities.
Compressed straw wall and ceiling panel used in a residential home
A self-sustaining, zero-waste, productive house that demonstrated the potential of our home to provide shelter, produce food and generate energy.
Home builder Dr. Anika Molesworth praises Durra Panel for its ability to create safe, comfortable living spaces while re purposing agricultural by-products.

Use Durra Panel on your next project